=== WP Easy Columns === Contributors: Pat Friedl Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=donations&business=T8V954QPLEW2J Tags: columns, column, grid layout, box, boxes, feature box, layout, magazine, page, posts, magazine columns, magazine layout, float div Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.9 Stable tag: 2.1.3 Easy Columns provides the shortcodes to create a grid system or magazine style columns for laying out your pages (or even posts!) just the way you need them. == Description == = What is Easy Columns? = Easy Columns provides the shortcodes to create a grid system or magazine style columns for laying out your pages or posts on demand. = Available Columns = Using the shortcodes, you can get any combination of 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 columns. You can insert at least thirty unique variations of columns on any page or post. = Easy to Use = Quickly add columns to your pages from the editor with an easy to use "pick n' click" interface. BEst of all, Easy Columns works with ANY theme! = Example = To create content with 3 columns, you would use the shortcodes like this: [ezcol_1third]this is column 1[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]this is column 2[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]this is column 3[/ezcol_1third_end] The result are 3 columns about 33% in width of their container. == Installation == 1. Upload `wp-ez-columns` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. You can customize your columns in the settings menu under Settings > Easy Columns 4. Use any of the following shortcodes in your posts or pages: Available Shortcodes: = 1/4 columns = [ezcol_1quarter id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1quarter_end] = 1/2 columns = [ezcol_1half id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1half_end] = 3/4 columns = [ezcol_3quarter id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_3quarter] [ezcol_3quarter_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_3quarter_end] = 1/3 columns = [ezcol_1third id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1third_end] = 2/3 columns = [ezcol_2third id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_2third_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_2third_end] = 1/5 columns = [ezcol_1fifth id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_1fifth_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_1fifth_end] = 2/5 columns = [ezcol_2fifth id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_2fifth] [ezcol_2fifth_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_2fifth_end] = 3/5 columns = [ezcol_3fifth id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_3fifth] [ezcol_3fifth_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_3fifth_end] = 4/5 columns = [ezcol_4fifth id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_4fifth] [ezcol_4fifth_end id="" class="" style=""][/ezcol_4fifth_end] = Special columns = [ezdiv id="" class="" style=""][/ezdiv] (easily create DIVs in your content without editing HTML) = Additional shortcodes = [ezcol_divider] (clears all floats and creates a 2px high, 100% width div) [ezcol_end_left] (clears left float) [ezcol_end_right] (clears right float) [ezcol_end_both] (clears both) **Be sure to insert the "_end" column shortcode for your last column!** == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is This Plugin Supported? = Yes. Just send an email, and I'd be happy to help = How can I customize the columns? = You can edit the wp-ez-columns.css file to customize the layouts. Be sure to back up the CSS before testing! = Can I put anything in the columns? = Yes, as long as the content isn't larger than the column, otherwise the CSS will break and cause line breaks. = What good are columns? = Columns can be used in CMS layouts, as feature boxes, in magazine layouts and **squeeze page layouts** - it's only limited by your imagination. = Can You Create a Pro Version With Multiple Column Styles? = Maybe! If you want that feature, send me an email. I get enough emails and I'll do it! == Screenshots == 1. The Easy Columns settings page. 2. The Easy Columns Visual Editor in Page/Post edit. == Upgrade Notice == Upgrade normally via your Wordpress admin -> Plugins panel. == Changelog == = 2.1.3 = * Fixed error with WP 3.9 tinyMCE shortcode insertion * Deleting the plugin no longer throws an error = 2.1.2 = * Changed the tinyMCE window to load wp-load.php instead of wp-config.php * Added jQuery to tinyMCE window * Added class input to column selection - applies a CSS class name to all the columns you insert * Added better styling to the options page * Fixed the custom CSS not rendering issue - Easy Columns options will now render. * Added a Custom CSS option to the options page - style columns with custom classes or use the base classes! * Changed ezcol-divider class to be height: 0 margin: 0 * Should have any uninstall hook erros fixed = 2.1.1 = * Added parent class to keep content max-wisth at 100% to prevent overflow * fixed fractional display of text in columns (removed CSS3 text enhancements) * Added full integration for responsive design at 768 and 480 pixel widths - now 100% responsive! * More code optimization and tweaking = 2.1 = * Upgraded visual editor window to WP 3.6 compliance * Updated styles in the visual editor * Streamlined/optimized code * Updated CSS to auto-hyphenate long words to they conform to columns widths * Migrated shortcodes from 'wpcol_' to 'ezcol_' (no worries, it's backwards compatible) = 2.0 = * Upgraded visual editor window to WP 3.2 compliance * Completely reworked visual editor interface * Added additional "pick n click" column combinations = 1.2.1 = * Added 4/5 column support * Added custom CSS logic for the 1/5-4/5 columns * Updated and simplified the visual editor = 1.2 = * Additional shortcodes added. Please upgrade! = 1.2 = * Added Support for 1/5, 2/5 and 3/5 columns. = 1.1 = * Updated the shortcodes to clean up the WordPress "Auto P" functions that cause gaps, etc. = 1.0 = * New code