=== Quttera Web Malware Scanner === Contributors: quttera Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GE7MHTK5G6BTG Tags: virus, backdoor, trojan, malware, infection, threat, exploit, scan, security, hacked, shells Requires at least:3.3.2 Stable tag: Tested up to:4.9.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin scans your WordPress website for known and unknown malware and other suspicious activities. == Description == The Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin will scan your website for malware, trojans, backdoors, worms, viruses, shells, spyware and other threats as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code and more. Also, it will check whether your website is blacklisted by Google and other blacklisting authorities. Help yourself to protect your website, your website users and your online reputation with a free Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin. **Features:** * One Click Scan * Unknown Malware Detection * External Links Detection * Blacklist Status * No Signatures or Patterns Updates * Artificial Intelligence Scan Engine * Cloud Technology * Detailed Investigation Report * Investigation of WordPress files * Detection of files infected by PHP malware * Detection of injected PHP shells If you need a hand with malware removal please do not hesitate to contact us on support@quttera.com or sign-up to any of our annual plans which include malware cleanup and blacklist removal on https://quttera.com/anti-malware-website-monitoring-signup . == Installation == 1. Download the plugin. 1. Go to the Wordpress Plugin menu and activate it. 1. That's it! == Frequently Asked Questions == * For questions about investigation process please refer to http://quttera.com or post in the Support section here. == Upgrade Notice == = = * Added new SEO/malware/ransomware detections = = * Added admin user verification on internal scan = = * Added new SEO/malware/ransomware detections = = * Fixes for 4.8.2 and new backdoor samples = = * Added new malware/shell samples = = * Added new spam samples = = * Added new spam samples = = * Added new malware shell = = * Added new malicious ads detection = 1.0.0 = * Initial public release == Screenshots == * Quttera Web Malware Scanner for Word Press == Changelog == = = * Added new SEO/malware/ransomware detections = = * Added admin user verification on internal scan = = * Added new SEO/malware/ransomware detections = = * Fixes for 4.8.2 and new backdoor samples = = * Added new malware/shell samples = = * Added new spam samples = = * Added new spam samples = = * Added new malware shell = = * Added new malicious ads detection = 1.0.0 = * Initial public release == Credits == * Quttera == Plugin's other home == * WordPress Malware Scanner